Summer-Jane Bell

Executive Sales Manager, JVS Wine & Spirit Imports; Secretary General, USBG
A true passion for spirits and the stories behind them has connected the varied roles Summer-Jane Bell has ridden in the wild west of the Bar Industry. It started with ten years bartending moving into four years as a brand ambassador and now three years in distributor sales for JVS Imports. Other enterprises running concurrently are a decade of leadership positions in United States Bartenders’ Guild, Co-founding the TrophyCocktail mobile app, and now Creative Direction at Hello Stranger Bar in Oakland. She finds spirits judging for San Francisco World Spirits Competition and others exhilarating. She’s led seminars at Tales of the Cocktail, USBG Leadership Conferences, and most recently Bar Convent Brooklyn among many others. Even when she’s not working you’ll most likely find her in her natural habitat, a favorite local bar.